Section I. General
1-1. Overview.
This chapter discusses the type of activity that is characteristic of an
insurgency. A general overview of insurgency is provided to introduce
the planner of counterguerrilla operations to the insurgent. The host
government’s method to defeat the insurgency is discussed, as is the
difference between counterinsurgency and counterguerrilla operations.
The methods of response by United States (US) forces, and the general
doctrine for their use, are also presented.
1-2. Types of conflict.
a. The risk to national survival is greatest in a conventional conflict,
but the probability of such conflicts occurring is relatively low. On
the other hand, the risk to national survival is not as great in a
counterinsurgency conflict, but the probability of these types of
conflicts occurring is much greater.
b. Conventional conflicts imply a state of open belligerency between
nations and a direct confrontation of their armed forces. An
insurgency implies a situation where a country is threatened by
an internal attempt, frequently assisted by external support, to
overthrow the legitimate government. counterguerrilla situations
faced by US forces are likely to occur in an insurgency environment,
but may also occur in conventional conflict environments.
Counterguerrilla operations in support of a conventional conflict
(such as the partisan operations that occurred behind German
lines during World War II) are discussed in Chapter 4.
Section Il. Insurgency
Section Il. Insurgency
1-3. Concept.
a. The concept of resistance applies to an organized effort by some
portion of the civil population of a country to resist, oppose, or
overthrow the existing government. Many of the methods of
resistance are part of the stock-in-trade of revolutionary activity.
There can be no revolution without a resistance movement, but
there can be a resistance movement without a revolution when the
objectives of the resistors do not envision a reallocation of power.
b. This concept applies to an organized insurgent movement that
b. This concept applies to an organized insurgent movement that
seeks to overthrow the established government. In this manner,
an insurgent organization can be considered a type of resistance
b. This concept applies to an organized insurgent movement that
seeks to overthrow the established government. In this manner,
an insurgent organization can be considered a type of resistance
1-4. Prerequisites.
There are three requirements that must exist before an insurgency can
a. Vulnerable population. For whatever the reasons — social,
political, or economic — the population is generally open to
change. The insurgents will offer hope for change and exploit
dissatisfaction with the current government.
Leadership available for direction. A vulnerable population
alone will “not support an insurgent movement. There must be a
leadership element that can direct the frustrations of a dissatisfied
populace along the lines delineated by the overall insurgent
c. Lack of government control. Lack of government control may
be real or perceived. The greater the control the government has
over the situation, the less likely are the chances for insurgent
success The opposite is also true: the less control the government
has, the greater is the chance for insurgent success.
1-5. Other required conditions.
1-5. Other required conditions.
There are a number of other conditions that must exist or be produced
for an insurgent movement to succeed.
a.Popular support. Support can be passive or active. It is not
necessary that the entire population actively support an
insurgency, but the majority of the population must passively
support it.
b.Unity of effort. The overall thrust of an insurgent movement
must provide a strength of unity that dedicates those involved to
achieving the same goal.
c.Will to resist. It is not enough for the population to resist their
government passively; at least a portion must be willing to resist
d.Leadership. The activities and effort of the insurgent movement
must be properly directed through the exercise of effective
e.Discipline. The aspect of the movement must be strongly
maintained to ensure security and obedience.
f. Intelligence. Because the insurgent movement is usually
f. Intelligence. Because the insurgent movement is usually
inferior in numbers and combat power in relation to government
forces, the intelligence effort must provide security for the
insurgent organization and information to conduct successful
g. Propaganda. It is used to gain popular support and intensify
the populace’s dissatisfaction with the government.
h. Favorable environment. This includes attitudes of the people,
the political environment, and the economic situation.
i. External support. The preceding eight conditions are theoretically
the only ones that an insurgency must have to succeed.
Historically, however, there seems to be one additional condition
that must exist the condition of external support. This support
may be physical or psychological. Examples of physical external
support are equipment, weapons, supplies, ammunition, sanctuaries,
personnel, and combat units. Examples of psychological external
support include the political support given to the resistance when
a country recognizes that movement in the world arena and the
pressure a government might exert politically or economically to
influence world opinion in favor of the movement.
1-6. Insurgent organization.
1-6. Insurgent organization.
An insurgent organization may have both an overt and a covert
element. The overt element, the guerrilla, is readily identified. It is
supported by a clandestine element which makes up the insurgent
infrastructure. The insurgent organization also has political and
military structures.
1-7. Phases of development.
a. Once an insurgent organization is established and begins its
activities, it progresses through several phases in its effort to
overthrow the government. When the insurgency moves from one
phase to another is difficult to determine. The activities that occur
in the earlier phases will continue through the later phases. These
phases range from the weak insurgent movement until the time
the insurgent can confront government forces directly.
b. There is also the possibility that an insurgency may move directly
from Phase I to Phase III. Additionally, depending upon the lack
of success of the movement, there may also be a reversion from
Phase III to Phase II or even back to Phase I.
(1) Phase I: Latent and incipient insurgency. Activity in
this phase ranges from subversive activity that is only a
potential threat to situations in which frequent subversive
incidents and activities occur in an organized pattern. It
involves no major outbreak of violence or uncontrolled
insurgent activity. The guerrilla force does not conduct
continuous operations but rather selected acts of terrorism.
(2) Phase II: Guerrilla warfare. This phase is reached
when the insurgent movement, having gained sufficient
local or external support, initiates organized continuous
guerrilla warfare or related forms of violence against the
government. This is an attempt to force government forces
into a defensive role. As the guerrilla becomes stronger, he
begins to conduct larger operations.
(3) Phase III: War of movement. When the guerrilla attains
the force structure and capability to directly engage
government forces in decisive combat, then he will progres-
sively begin to use more conventional tactics and may obtain
combat forces from an external source. He may also begin to
conduct more extensive defensive operations in this phase to
protect the areas he controls.
c. The goal of the insurgent movement, if achieved, will result in the
replacement of the established government with a government
structure developed by the insurgent movement. If this occurs, it
is a political victory for the insurgents. The insurgent movement
does not need to defeat host country forces to accomplish this. A
parallel or “shadow” government may also be developed by an
insurgent force. It must, however, win the support of the people
away from the established government to achieve this political
Section Ill. Counterinsurgency
1 -8. Three target groups.
The government’s weapon to combat insurgency is counterinsurgency
(COIN). The COIN mission includes a full range of measures used by a
government to free and protect its society from subversion, lawlessness,
and insurgency. They are actions taken by a nation to promote its
growth by building viable institutions (political, military, economic,
social) that respond to the needs of the people. There are three target
groups that the government addresses: the population, insurgents, and
external actors.
1-9. Population.
The government must win back the support of the people. It does this
through providing them security and showing an honest effort to
correct those conditions which caused dissatisfaction.
1-10 Insurgents.
a. The government must isolate the insurgent from the population,
both physically and psychologically, thereby denying him
personnel, materiel, and intelligence support.
b. The COIN strategy is based on the concept of balanced development,
mobilization, and neutralization. These three components are
interdependent and must occur simultaneously. If COIN strategy
achieves its goal, the government will regain populace support.
c. The military assists the COIN program through the conduct of six
major operations: intelligence, psychological operations, civil
affairs, populace and resources control, advisory assistance, and
tactical operations. The successful employment of these operations
contributes to the success of the COIN program. They are
normally conducted simultaneously, in conjunction with each
other, and require close coordination of diverse government
1-11. External actors.
Current insurgencies target on external actors for support, passive or
active. Both the government and the insurgents use this tactic. The
insurgent tries to separate the government from its foreign support.
The government seeks to retain its support and separate the insurgent
from his foreign support.
1-12. Counterinsurgency — counterguerrilla.
There is a difference in the terms counterinsurgency and counter-
guerrilla. The internal defense and development (IDAD) program is
geared to counter the whole insurgency. It does this through
alleviating conditions which may cause insurgency. This program,
which addresses both the populace and the insurgent, can be termed
counterinsurgency. Counterguerrilla operations are geared to the
active military element of the insurgent movement only. To this end,
counterguerrilla operations are viewed as a supporting component of
the counterinsurgency effort.
Section IV. Foreign Internal Defense
1-13. example-US assistance.
a. All civil military action by a government to assist a host
government and to achieve a standard level of protection from
lawlessness, subversion, and insurgency is termed foreign
internal defense (FID). The United States (US) Army has been
assigned a major role in providing military assistance to selected
nations in support of US national interests. The degree of
participation by US Army units is determined by US policy and
interests, an analysis of the insurgent threat, and the capabilities
and desires of the host country’s government.
b. The introduction of US combat forces into an insurgency to
conduct counterguerrilla operations is something that is done
when all other US and host country responses have been
inadequate. US combat forces are never the first units into a
country. They are normally the last. Preceding them is an array of
advisors, security assistance forces, mobile training teams,
combat service support units, and combat support units. Combat
commanders deploying to conduct counterguerrilla operations
should understand this and the fact that neutralization of the
guerrilla is only one-third of the COIN strategy. Balanced
development of the country and mobilization of the populace
against the insurgents must occur simultaneously for the
insurgency to be defeated.
1-14. US activities.
a. When deployed in FID operations, US forces ensure that their
planned activities support the goals and consequences of the host
country’s COIN program. Actions by US forces must not
undermine or be detrimental to COIN goals.
b. The response of US forces in any given situation must meet the
following requirements:
(1) Be appropriate — response is appropriate to the level of
threat and activity.
(2) Be justifiable – actions taken are justifiable in the eyes of
the host country’s population and the US public.
(3) Use minimum force — the goal is to restrict the use of force
and the level of commitment to the minimum feasible to
accomplish the mission. However, the principle of minimum
necessary force does not always imply minimum necessary
troops. A large number of men deployed at the right time may
enable a commander to use less force than he might
otherwise have done, or even to avoid using any force at all.
Commanders must, however, keep in mind that a peaceful
situation could become hostile because of the provocative
display of an overlarge force. Doing too much may be a
greater danger than doing too little.
(4) Do maximum benefit – US forces should select operations
so they accomplish positive benefit for the population. If this
is not possible then the operational concept is wrong and
should not be executed.
(5) Do minimum damage – US forces ensure that operations
preclude unnecessary damage to facilities, activities, and
resources. Since this is almost an impossibility, compensation
for any damage to property must be made and the property
restored, as much as possible, to its original state. In any
case, a major consideration is to plan activities to limit
Section V. AirLand BattIe and Counterguerrilla Operations
1-15. Challenges.
AirLand Battle is the Army’s operational concept for combat. It is
designed to deal with the worldwide challenges the Army faces. The
four basic challenges to the Army are the battlefield, leadership,
readiness, and training. The basic concepts of AirLand Battle doctrine
can be applied to counterguerrilla operations.
1-16. The battlefield.
The Army faces an enemy that may strike from any direction. It must
contend not only with military considerations in this environment but
with the political, economic, and social considerations which may
oftentimes outweigh military considerations. The Army must be able
to operate in all geographical areas and climates, and on all types of
terrain, with only the weapons, tactics, and assets permitted by the
political, social, and economic environment. The enemy will strike at
weak points and seek to avoid direct combat.
1-17. Leadership.
The complexities of counterguerrilla operations place a premium on
informed and trained leadership and independent operations. These
conditions demand more leader expertise and the ability to operate
independently at lower command levels than do higher levels of
conflict. The leader applies skill, imagination, and flexibility. He
effectively leads his troops and helps them to understand the problems
of counterguerrilla operations. He must be willing to reorganize his
assets to better accomplish his mission.
1-18. Readiness.
Units tasked to conduct counterguerrilla operations are prepared to
deploy and operate on short notice. Each soldier is prepared for battle
and is able to perform his duties. Units train to operate in areas of the
world where they may be tasked to fight.
1-19. Training.
Training is the cornerstone for success and a full-time job for
commanders. The commander ensures that soldiers are proficient
in traditional, basic skills and also familiar with more complex
skills required for success in a counterguerrilla environment.
These skills include intelligence, civil affairs, populace and
resources control, psychological operations, and advisory
AirLand Battle concepts outline the principles the Army must
apply when engaged in combat. Combat operations based on this
doctrine seek to locate, harass, and neutralize the guerrilla force
and deny it the capability to conduct offensive actions by
severing its linkage with the population. Coordinated efforts of
military and civilian organizations are required to achieve the
overall objective.
1-20. Operational concepts for AirLand Battle.
Generally, the purpose of military operations is to defeat the
opposing force. The use of armed forces in a counterguerrilla role
is primarily to provide enough internal security to enable the host
country to initiate counterinsurgency programs and pursue
national objectives.
The final resolution will not be by military means, but by
political, social, and economic action. With this in mind,
successful military operations are a means to an end. Success in
combat depends on the basic tenets of AirLand Battle doctrine:
initiative, depth, agility, and synchronization.
(1) Initiative. To preserve the initiative, subordinates act
independently within the context of the overall plan. The
overall attitude of the Army is one of action, not reaction, to
the enemy’s initiatives. The characteristics of improvisation,
initiative, and aggressiveness, tempered with intelligent and
prudent decision-making, must be strong.
(2) Depth. This refers to time, distance, and resources. The
commander is able to operate overlarge areas with minimum
logistical support while retaining the ability to react to
unexpected attacks. This battle-in-depth is designed to delay,
disrupt, or destroy the guerrilla’s uncommitted forces and
base areas. Reserves are kept to a minimum to allow
maximum use of the force, while still retaining the capability
to meet most threats.
(3) Agility. This requires flexible organizations and leaders
who can quickly adapt to changing situations. The factors of
mission, enemy, terrain (and weather), troops (available),
and time (available) (METT-T) and the way they interface
with environmental considerations determine the type of
organization involved. The leader is innovative and flexible,
and he adapts to different situations. Mobility enhances the
agility of the force engaged in counterguerrilla operations,
but the force is not tied to its vehicles. At a minimum, the
force has mobility equal to that of the guerrillas.
(4) Synchronization. This means more than coordinated
action to achieve maximum combat power. In the counter-
guerrilla environment, it encompasses the effective, coordi-
nated use of available combat power and its interface with
noncombat operations. Tactical and nontactical, civilian
and military, host country and US force operations are
coordinated and supportive of each other to achieve the
overall objective. Additionally, US military operations are
aligned with US policy and aims in the host country. This in
turn may place certain restrictions on US forces.
1-21. Combat imperatives.
a. The seven combat imperatives of AirLand Battle doctrine find
their basis in the principles of war. These imperatives are:
(1) Ensure unity of effort. The principles for this imperative
(1) Ensure unity of effort. The principles for this imperative
are the objective, unity of command, and simplicity. Unity of
effort requires the commander to understand the overall US
objective and how his operations support that objective. He
applies the principles underlying this imperative in such a
way that the effects of his operations are not a detriment to
attaining the overall US objective.
(2) Direct friendly strengths against enemy weaknesses.
The principles for this imperative are maneuver and
surprise. The commander minimizes and protects his
weaknesses and uses his strengths against the guerrilla’s
weak points. To do this, he knows the enemy’s organization,
equipment, and tactics. In addition to knowing how the
guerrilla fights, it is important for the commander to
understand why the guerrilla fights.
(3) Designate and sustain the main effort. The principles
for this imperative are mass and economy of force. The Army
cannot be everywhere at once. It cannot do everything at
once. Priorities are set at tactical and operational levels to
determine where the main effort is to occur and what goal is
to be achieved
(4)Sustain the fight. The force may have to operate for
(4)Sustain the fight. The force may have to operate for
extended periods on limited logistics. To sustain momentum,
the commander deploys forces in adequate depth and
arranges for service support when needed. The commander
is audacious and presses soldiers and systems to the limits of
(5)Move fast, strike hard, and finish rapidly. The principles
(5)Move fast, strike hard, and finish rapidly. The principles
for this imperative are maneuver and mass. Speed and
mobility are essential. To avoid detection, US forces employ
deception techniques, communications security (COMSEC),
and operations security (OPSEC). While the overall conflict
may be prolonged, the tactical operations are executed with
speed to retain initiative and freedom of action. This is
balanced against the need for patience.
(6)Use terrain and weather. The guerrilla force is familiar
with the terrain and comfortable with the climate. Recon-
naissance and intelligence (if accomplished effectively) give
the commander a decisive edge in anticipating difficulties
with terrain and weather. He uses both to his advantage.
(7)Protect the force. Successful commanders preserve the
strength of their force. They do so through security, keeping
troops healthy and equipment ready, and by sustaining
discipline and morale. The guerrilla seeks to degrade the
morale of the force through the use of psychological
operations (PSYOPS) and harassment. His tactics are
geared to wear down his opponent’s will to fight. The
commander trains his soldiers and constantly reminds them
of exactly what the mission is and why it is important to
complete the mission.
b. Doctrine is a guide that delineates principles and fundamental
b. Doctrine is a guide that delineates principles and fundamental
concepts. The commander uses these principles and concepts
when analyzing the situation and then uses them as a guide in
selecting his actions.
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